This english version of the website will be updated soon

Merry Christmas and a Joyful New Year

Merry Christmas and a Joyful New Year - Kriya Yoga Ashram

The center will be closed from Saturday 18 December to Sunday 2 January inclusive.
We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a New Year full of spiritual accomplishments.
Mukundadasa and the staff of Kriya Yoga Ashram

Kriya Yoga

Kriya Yoga - Kriya Yoga Ashram

Kriya means action and yoga union, therefore Kriya Yoga means the union of the Infinite through a definite action or ritual (kriya). They say that a Yogi who follows meticulously the techniques is gradually set free from Karma, the cause-effect chain and its balancing actions.

Kriya Yoga is actually a very ancient science mentioned also bythe Bhagavad Gita in a couple of lines  (IV, 29 and V, 27 and 28) and in Patanjali's Yogasutra as well  (II, 1 and 49). Yogasutra's second chapter is a  work on  Kriya and starts with the sentence “Kriya Yoga is made of Tapas (physical discipline), Swadhyaya (study of Oneself and texts) and Isvara Pranidana (surrender to God)”. This explains that Kriya Yoga is a science rooted in the history of Indian spirituality. 


Events - Kriya Yoga Ashram

Teacher Training 2011-2013 Final retrear, August 2013 @ Miripiri.

How to reach us

How to reach us - Kriya Yoga Ashram

Our school is located in via degli Olivetani, 12  Milan, near tube MM2 Sant'Agostino or Sant'Ambrogio stops.

News and events



Fotogallery - Kriya Yoga Ashram

Kriya Yoga initiation December 2013

Kriya Yoga Meditation

Kriya Yoga Meditation - Kriya Yoga Ashram

Yoga for children

Yoga for children - Kriya Yoga Ashram

Kriya Hatha Yoga

Kriya Hatha Yoga - Kriya Yoga Ashram

Kriya Natha Yoga led class and Mysore style

Kriya Natha Yoga led class and Mysore style - Kriya Yoga Ashram

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga led class

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga led class - Kriya Yoga Ashram

Ashtanga Vinyasa Mysore style

Ashtanga Vinyasa Mysore style - Kriya Yoga Ashram

Pregnancy yoga

Pregnancy yoga - Kriya Yoga Ashram

Ananda Yoga

Ananda Yoga - Kriya Yoga Ashram

Kriya Kundalini

Kriya Kundalini - Kriya Yoga Ashram